Happy Fucking New Year!

Happy Fucking New Year!

Well we are now 4 years into our relationship and the numerous bumps in the road have finally made the wheels of our girly wagon fall off………… we are now grinding the axles in the dirt getting deeper and deeper into our relationship grave.

Very quickly all the bullshit that lead to this moment was all family crap. Most of all my daughters devilish months of tantrums, she’s now 8. Justene’s struggle with priorities. Shes putting me first where she says I put my daughter first. Justene’s walls up and not being able to penetrate them to protect herself, my struggles with depression, our non sex life, the list goes on.

She said she had received a group message from someone regarding an old group of friends she knew from 10 years ago. One of them had terminal cancer and wanted to all have a last catch up. It was a few weeks away. The moment she mentioned it I had instant goose bumps, my heart raced and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

I don’t know why as I’ve never had that reaction with her before but I just didn’t trust that that was true. Can’t give you any other reason than that. Never had any suspicion previously what so ever.

As the weeks went by every now and then she would say oh don’t forget that thing I have. No mention of the persons name, no dinging of group messages, no memories talked about. Usually regardless of what it is we have always invited the other. It’s ok that I didn’t go but very strange for her to not give me the option.

Anyway with weeks of her constantly being late with no call or explanation and then one arvo I went to the shop and saw her sitting in the park around the corner on the phone, late again. I asked her and she said she was talking to her Mum and didn’t want to come inside and be on the phone. I call bullshit on that one as she’s constantly on the phone when she gets home and it never bothers her any
other time, why this day?

Her ex husband who is still quite involved in her family life through the family business had just lost his mother and she went to the funeral. I had no dramas with that all. It was the right and respectful thing to do, and no I did not expect an invite.

We got through Xmas with some bullshit from her family and celebrated in such a cool way for New Years. I watched her dancing with her Mum and relaxing, smiling for a change and thought I fucking love and adore this girl. What am I doing spending time in my head instead of making this our best year yet. It hit me like a ton of bricks. You want her, hold on to her and show her. Cut your bullshit and screw those wagon wheels up tight.

Instead I got an insatiable appetite to be with her, inside her, on her, under her, just with her and that’s what happened the next 3 nights. It was magic and only added to my hunger for her.

Then the irreversible mistake was made. The ultimate wheel smasher, the ultimate betrayal especially for a girl with trust issues.

I had a sick compulsion of doubt. I just couldn’t shake the last couple of months and didn’t want to move on without having it aired and cleared. I made the fateful mistake and checked only one message on her phone. From her ex husband. Always a line I had for myself to never cross. I’m a fucked up insecure human being it would seem. I thought id dealt with that trust bullshit. That moment I lost myself and the love of my life. That weekend of the group message she had meant to meet him and it didn’t happen. She was now sending him messages for Xmas with their pet names on it. She knows he still loves her so what the fuck. To me this is totally inappropriate and crosses the line on our relationship. Made not a physical betrayal but an emotional one for sure in my book.

I took her to the park where we first kissed and told her my concerns. She told me I was crazy and explained it away. She has lied to my face. Am I not worth the truth? Why can’t she admit that it was wrong? I asked is she has anything at all on her phone or messages that she wouldn’t want me to see or that crossed the line.

She told me no I’ve got nothing to hide. Then she went on to say that I have trust issues and only I can deal with them. Now it’s my fault?

So I let it go for now, then I fucked up even more and read the emails on her iPad.
A gross betrayal and invasion of privacy on my part and I can honestly say I hate myself for it.

She knows I read the messages and was so angry at me as she should be. She’s hurt , betrayed and disappointed and so am I. In her but mostly in myself. What a fucking screw up. Never once have I doubted her before or abused her trust. NEVER.

We messaged back and forth and I came home a long time later. She’s been quite nice and that kills me more. I need her to hit out, scream out or cut some scathing words like she usually would. I need to feel her anger and disappointment as it is warranted. I know I fucked up royally and I shattered her heart, my own heart and possibly my future with her. I shattered our family.

I get it. What I did was so wrong and hand on my heart I can tell you it’s something I would never ever do again. The cost to all is too great.

What about her secrets you ask? What about them. At the end of the day it does not justify what I did to her and if she is going to go she’s going to go. I can’t do anything about it. It’s out of my hands. I can’t handle another cheater again. I won’t bounce back from it and she knows it.

What do we do? Well who knows what will happen. I am willing to forgive her but I’m not sure she can forgive me. Why should she? I will spend my days and weeks even months ahead trying to put the wheels back on. Showing her how much I love and cherish her. How much I want our family together for the rest of my days. Showing her what a truly beautiful girl she is and assuring her of my love.

For me she is it.

Only question remains, can she forgive me and will she even let me try?

My future is in her hands……….